COVID Testing and Vaccinations. What's available in our area?
With all of the COVID confusion you may find yourself wondering what's out there, in our area, for you? What is available? What do you need to get yourself tested? Vaccinated?
The Washington Township Health Department has compiled a chart of eligible opportunities for testing and vaccination, which answers all the age old questions: WHO (should be tested / vaccinated)? WHAT (is being offered)? WHEN (is the testing / vaccination being offered)? WHERE (is the testing / vaccination site)? and HOW (does one go about getting tested / vaccinated - is an appointment required - how is an appointment made)?
CLICK HERE to view the chart showing all available testing and vaccination sites. You can highlight, copy and paste the links into your browser to view more information on each site and/or make an appointment.
As always, feel free to call the Washington Township Health Department at 908.876.3650 if you have any questions or concerns.