About the Investigation Division
The Investigative Division, part of the Support Services portion of the Police Department, is administered by Lt. Chris Bratus. Washington Township Police Department’s Division of Investigation is known as the Detective Bureau. Lt. Bratus can be reached at 908-876-8306 or cbratus@wtpdmorris.org
The Detective Bureau is composed of a Detective Sergeant, who is responsible for overseeing all investigations, and the supervision of up to three patrol officers assigned to the bureau as detectives. Detective Sergeant Brian Bigham can be reached at 908-876-8305 or bbigham@wtpdmorris.org In the table of organization, the unit falls under the supervision of the Support Services Lieutenant who is in turn is under the direct supervision of the Chief of Police.
The Bureau is responsible for general and major case investigations, narcotics investigations, firearms application investigations, and background investigations. The Bureau also handles all investigations involving juveniles. In addition the Bureau is responsible for the oversight of all property the police department is responsible for safekeeping, - such as lost and found, evidence and confiscated property.