Guard Your Backyard
Clean soil or “clean fill” is often brought onto residential sites or vacant lots by trucking companies throughout New Jersey. Clean soil is fine, but sometimes clean fill, which is sold or offered free of charge, may contain contaminants (e.g. demolition debris, glass, asphalt, metal and/or solid waste, etc.) that should not be mixed with dirt and used as fill material.
What N.J. Residents Can Do
Avoid ordering clean fill off of Craigslist, Facebook or other social media websites if the source is unknown.Notice a pile of dirt and debris on property near your home or another spot in your town? See loaded dump trucks repeatedly visiting secluded locations?
Here’s who to contact:
Municipal Zoning or Construction offices County soil conservation districts County Health Department New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection hotline at 1-877-WARN-DEP (1-877-927-6337), for environmental emergencies DEP mobile app at WARN NJDEP, for environmental non-emergenciesReceiving soil/fill from a contractor or landscaper?
Request information on the origin of the material, as well as assurances, such as analytical testing results, demonstrating that it is not contaminated above established residential soil remediation standards. Ask for “certified” clean fill (know where it came from, and ask for supporting documentation). Ask for additional cost estimates providing receipts and invoices. Ensure all local codes and ordinances are met prior to accepting the material.For More information on "Guard Your Backyard" visit,