By Scott Gaskill on Monday, June 05, 2023
Category: Township News

Polls Open 6 am to 8 pm on Tuesday, June 6 for the Primary Election


In addition to the local and county races, all 120 seats in the state Legislature are on the ballot. New Jersey is a closed primary system, meaning that only voters with a declared party affiliation can vote for their respective party’s nominees. 

If you would like to change your Political Party Affiliation (such as Democrat, Republican, or Unaffiliated), you need to complete a new voter registration form 55 days before a primary election. For this year's Primary, the deadline was Wednesday April 12, 2023.

Note: if you are Unaffiliated, you can declare a party (Democrat or Republican) at the polls on Primary Election Day. However, you cannot change your party that day – if you are already affiliated, you would have had to change it by the April 12 deadline.