Ways to Stay Informed
In times of emergency, Washington Township will proactively issue alerts and updates by phone to all residential and business addresses.
These pre-recorded alerts utilize the official 911 system, and so are sent to the main phone number associated with each street address.
Several options are available if you would like to also receive emergency alerts to your mobile phone. Here's how to sign up ...
To Receive Text Message Alerts on your Mobile Phone
Washington Township sends alerts and notifications through the RAVE system. Create an account on line, and specify what notifications you would like, and how you would like to receive them.
Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) Alerts
For JCP&L customers wh use electronically operated life-support equipment or depend on private well water, signe up for the company's alert service to be notified if a power outage is expected to affect your electric service for more than 24 hours. To learn more or register, visit www.firstenergycorp.com/connect.
Social Media
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Visit our Facebook page and like us.
GET TEXT UPDATES Follow us on Twitter @WashingtonTwp or text "Follow @WashingtonTwp " to 40404
Consider a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) radio
Receive real time weather alerts. These are available from a variety of sources (check on-line for different suppliers)
Washington Township Emergency Guide
An EmergencyGuide with additional information can be viewed and printed from the Township website. Visit www.wtmorris.net and view the Township Documents. Look for 'Washington Township Emergency Guide' located towards the bottom of the list. View or print the guide from this location.
If you have questions or need help signing up for any of the alerts, don't hesitate to contact Bruce Clark, Washington Township Office of Emergency Management (bruce.clark@wtmorris-oem.org)