Regular Office Hours 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday

Califon Road Park
BackGround Picture
Califon Road Park
Pond at Califon Road Park

The pond at Califon Road Park is located behind the parking area for the park’s Little League field and four all-purpose fields

Free COVID at-home test

   The Washington Township Health Department would to make area residents aware that at-home COVID tests are available, free of charge, for New Jersey residents.  These tests are medically supervised, can be obtained online even if you have no email address and free of charge.  You will not be asked for payment information.  These are not rapid antigen tests and must be taken in front of a medical professional via zoom and sent in to the lab via UPS.

Please click the link below for complete information and to place your order for a free at-home saliva COVID test.

Feel free to share this link with your family, friends, neighbors.  

Please call the Washington Township Resource line 908-441-2597 or the Washington Township Health Department  908.876.3650 for more information.

Christmas Tree Recycling
Long Valley Pharmacy Vaccine Clinics and PCR Testi...

Our Location

43 Schooley's Mountain Road
Long Valley, NJ 07853
Phone: 908-876-3315
Fax: 908-876-5138


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